Thursday, April 10, 2008

Group Presentation Response

Okay, so I thought that EVERYBODY'S group projects were great and very creative...but I have to say that the one that I thought were very very interesting--that was the group who did the "My Space" pages. I thought it was incredibly imaginative and something that I don't think many people would have thought of. And it wasn't only interesting, but also very thorough. I loved that they put up pictures, became friends, wrote on each other's walls, and created great profiles. It was like a whole story that went in many different directions and I loved it. However, I also really liked the music site. I thought it was really cool that they compiled all of that information and put it on one site. I thought if they added some other genres of music it would make it more user friendly to a larger group of people. But I thought everybody did a great job!

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